Ready, set, go VHL 2024!

Ready, set, go!

You applied as a student at Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences (VHL) and we look forward to meeting you. Once your application process is finalised, we will make sure that everything is in order for you to start studying at VHL. 

Your admission will be finalised once you have fullfilled all the requirements that are stated in the Letter of Conditional Admission and you have transferred the tuition fee and assorted fees to the VHL bank account. We will inform you once your enrolment has been finalised.  Please contact us if you have any questions.

Student Service Centre
tel: +31 (0) 58 284 62 32  
e-mail: [email protected] 

Introduction Velp

You can find all the details about the introduction week and the booklists on Introduction Velp

Start studying at VHL Velp Programme information

Survival guide

You will need to arrange quite a few things. That's why we made the VHL survival guide: When in the Netherlands! A booklet with all kinds of useful information for international students.

Download the survival guide Here(pdf - 1.8MB)